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The burning of coal, oil and gas increases the CO2 emissions

The burning of coal, oil and gas increases the CO2 emissions
The Silicon Review
14 November, 2017

Changes in land use are responsible for about 9% of all global CO2 emissions. The recent reports say that the carbon dioxide emissions have increased up to two percent this year after a three years straight graph. China is the country which stands at the top list in contributing to the amount of the disastrous gas. The IPCC carbon budget includes methodologies to reduce the emission levels. Countries that signed the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change adopted a target to stop the average global temperature from rising before it reaches 2°C above pre-industrial levels. The Fifth Assessment Report of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) quantifies the global maximum CO2 the world can still emit and also have a likely chance of keeping global average temperature rise below 2°C above pre-industrial temperatures. It reports that the goal is likely to be met if cumulative emissions (including the 535 GtC emitted by the end of 2013) do not exceed 1 trillion tonnes of carbon (PgC).

A gigatonne of carbon (1 GtC) is the same as a petagram of carbon (1 PgC). If you accept the 2°C target, the world needs to emit no more than 465 GtC by the time carbon emissions end. Many developing countries also support a reduction in the target to keep global average temperature increases below 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. According to the recent estimates an average of 2.57 million pounds (1.16 million kilograms) of carbon dioxide is being spewed into the air every second. The ultimate goal is to limit the temperature rise below 2 degree Celsius.