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Net Neutrality’s Fight for S...


Net Neutrality’s Fight for Survival: FCC Rolling Back Net Neutrality Rules

Net Neutrality’s Fight for Survival: FCC Rolling Back Net Neutrality Rules
The Silicon Review
19 December, 2017

Today, if there is something that makes every single person across the globe ‘Equal,’ it is the Internet.

But, What if I tell you that someone is going snatches this Internet Freedom from you all and you all will have to pay ISPs extra for loading your favorite website. Sounds horrible, right?

As per the summer proposal, the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has rolled back Net Neutrality rules that prevented internet providers from blocking and throttling traffic and offering paid fast lanes. On Thursday, 3 out of 5 federal regulators voted to hand over the control of the future of the Internet to ISPs, giving them the authority to speed up service for websites they favor or slow down others.

The three Republican members who voted to repeal the FCC's 2015 Open Internet Order decision taken during the Obama administration includes the Chairman of FCC, Ajit Pai, Commissioner Brendan Carr, and Commissioner Mike O'Rielly.

Here's what Chairman Pai said in his remarks about his decision to repeal Net Neutrality:

"How a company decides to restrict someone's accounts or block their tweets because it thinks their views are inflammatory or wrong? How a company decides to demonetize videos from political advocates without any notice? You don't have any insight into any of these decisions, and neither do I, but these are very real actual threats to an open internet," said FCC’s Chairman, Ajit Pai.

After hearing the bitter news about repealing the rules, not only the tech giants but also the citizens aren’t happy with what is turning out to be Donald Trump administration's biggest regulatory move yet.

"Today's decision from the FCC to rollback the net neutrality is disappointing and harmful. An open internet is a must for new ideas and economic opportunity – and ISP shouldn't be able to decide what people can see online or charge more for certain websites," said Sheryl Sandberg, COO, Facebook.

In order to rescind the FCC's order, internet activists are pushing for Congress to take a step in and provide a resolution of disapproval using the Congressional Review Act.

"This fight isn't over. With our allies and our users, we will turn to Congress and the courts to fix the broken policies," Mozilla said. 

"We will continue our fight to defend the open Internet and reverse this misguided decision," Twitter said.