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Why Do I Need a VPN in 2018?...


Why Do I Need a VPN in 2018?

Why Do I Need a VPN in 2018?
The Silicon Review
14 June, 2018

Have you noticed the growth of job opportunities in the cyber security industry during the last couple of years? If you check how many cyber security courses, careers, and new vacant places have appeared, you will be shocked. It seems like cyber security threat is one of the top challenges we face today. Everyone somehow related to a computing industry seems to be concerned about the present and the future of it. So, what's the problem? How concerned should you be about your own Internet experience as an average web network user?

Today, any industry and any customer are vulnerable enough to get hacked even by an unprofessional hacker if they are not protected. With the development of mobile computing and IoT in general, the danger of cyber security threats for private and financial data has increased a lot. Taking the issue of hacking seriously is important not only for big corporations and governmental organizations, but also for ordinary users, who check their Instagram and Facebook only once a day somewhere in the airport or coffee shop. In other words, having a VPN has become obligatory for anyone. Why? Let's talk about data security, anonymity online, and the importance of having the fastest vpn on all of your devices, in details.

VPNs, Data Security, Online Anonymity, and Much More

Why a VPN? First of all, let's define what a VPN is. Don't confuse a VPN with a proxy server as a lot of Internet users do. A VPN is not a simple proxy server, it is much more.

A VPN stands for a Virtual Private Network, which is a personal network available and reachable only for the owner of a VPN. A VPN works in a very simple but very efficient way. Whenever you connect your devices to a VPN, the system creates an invisible tunnel to transfer all your traffic through it. Thus, no matter whether you're in the airport or hotel lobby, your device will be invisible to other customers in the same network. Other people in the network can't monitor your device and steal your traffic activity data if you're connected to a VPN.


A VPN is the most universal tool to protect your personal data online. It is not only about anonymity and hiding your IP address. It is more about making anything you store on the cloud and send through an email, protected enough. Modern hackers don't look for very exclusive information. They don't even have to apply too many efforts for that, as most smartphone and laptop owners don't care about data security issues at all while keeping very sensitive data on their gadgets. If you have ever connected to a free WiFi or even done banking via that network, you've jeopardized your information as well.

We're not going to advise you a particular service or brand. There are so many VPNs on the market right now that you can easily do it by yourself. Just go to Bestvpnrating.com and pick something you like most. Instead, let's focus on what exactly you get when installing a VPN on your devices.

  • Complete anonymity by hiding your IP address and geographical location;
  • Data encryption and security. While encrypted, your data can't be read by anyone else except you and your devices;
  • Free access to any content restricted in your region. A VPN allows you to open those websites, which are restricted or blocked in the country, which you are currently in for some reasons. For example, Facebook and YouTube in China.

Still, the main function of a VPN is probably about data encryption and security. Looking back at 2017 and 2016, we can say that those were the years of massive cyber attacks and data breaches. And 2018 is probably going to increase the number of those online threats and challenges we have now. The frequency of cyber attacks becomes a lot bigger and attacks themselves becomes smaller. What does it mean? The hackers don't focus on big corporations and precious government data only. Due to the development of mobile computing and mobile banking, every user who has a smartphone in a pocket and a credit card connected to it, can become a potential target for a hacker, if not having a virtual private network.

The hackers are continuously trying to be ahead of the businesses and individuals, who carry sensitive information on their gadgets. In case you don't want to monitor newer and better ways of protecting that data on a daily basis, forget about antivirus programs that have to be updated each time a new virus appears. Go for something universal, powerful, and much more effective. Go for a VPN. Install a VPN on your smartphone and laptop once, and forget about cyber attacks and harmful malware forever.