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Scientists at Oregon State University prove the presence of caffeine in human blood

Scientists at Oregon State University prove the presence of caffeine in human blood
The Silicon Review
27 November, 2019

Scientists and researchers from Oregon State University have proven the presence of caffeine in the human blood sample. Scientists took 18 batches of pure human blood serum pooled from multiple donors and carried out mass spectrometry research.

All 18 batches of the blood have shown positive results for caffeine. In many samples, the researchers have found out traces of cough medicines and anti-anxiety drugs. This finding is pointing to the potential for many contaminated blood transfusions, and blood used for the research is not pure.

"From a 'contamination' standpoint, caffeine is not a big worry for patients, though it may be a commentary on current society,but the other drugs being in there could be an issue for patients, as well as posing a problem for those of us doing this type of research because it's hard to get clean blood samples," said Chen, a Ph.D. student.

Also, the blood which was tested also contained tolbutamide, dextromethorphan, and alprazolam, meaning if you ever need a blood transfusion, you also receive traces of caffeine, cough medicine, and anti-anxiety drugs.

This clearly showed that heavy consumption of coffee, tea, chocolates, and soft drinks may lead to the storage of caffeine in the blood and may also contaminate blood. It's not a straightforward or necessarily predictableresult but it has led the scientists to use different methods to look for these contaminants in blood.