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Gain an Edge In E-Commerce To Drive Sales With COTTON USATM Hangtag

Gain an Edge In E-Commerce To Drive Sales With COTTON USATM Hangtag
The Silicon Review
13 December, 2019

Online shopping continues to penetrate customer buying behavior as e-commerce expands across digital channels and strengthens its foothold in the purchasing path of the consumer. Yes, according to the 2018 Global Lifestyle Monitor, 72 percent of global respondents said they were shopping online for clothing. So the "shop" of e-commerce is definitely a critical business touchpoint in apparel around the world. As a result, global brands and retailers are moving from focusing heavily on brick-and-mortar assets to prioritizing more flexible selling points for e-commerce.Nevertheless, as customers in this always-on shopping ecosystem visit numerous fashion retail sites, brands and retailers need new ways to gain an edge in e-commerce to drive sales. Brands and retailers do not leverage a digital vehicle to effectively show greater product benefits — a touchpoint of communication that is inherently part of a brick-and-mortar store.

This solution can be provided by COTTON USATM Virtual Hangtag, specifically for products made from U.S. cotton. By highlighting the U.S. cotton content in their apparel products, the hangtag helps brands and retailers inform the buying experience of their consumers.The virtual hangtag literally "pops up" as consumers swing over descriptions of products, encouraging customers to click through a video that brings the product to life on their digital screens and how it is brought to life.

With this feature, consumers receive the information they need to make an informed purchase decision immediately without having to leave the site of the retailer. This helps retailers to communicate the larger items, offering purchase-enticing benefits leading to higher conversion rates. The COTTON USATM Virtual Hangtag also brings premium quality to brand and retailer products in addition to this optimum point-of-sale communication.