Linode has started upgrading i...The upgrade work for the first data center is being carried out in Atlanta, and at the end of this quarter rest of the facilities will also be upgraded
Linode, a popular cloud hosting company, has committed to upgrading its global storage infrastructure to boost its data center resiliency and performance. Linode had entered the market to become one of the leading alternative cloud providers promising its customers a simpler and affordable set of services. This provided the company a massive boost making them accessible to a wide range of users and companies. As of now, Linode operates 11 data centers globally, and it is gearing up to upgrade the block storage facilities present in these sites.
Linode has decided to the NVMe setup for its data centers. The latest upgrade will allow the users of Linode to make use of Ceph to store their data. The company is deploying an algorithm to splice the datasets into chunks for improving data efficiency. The upgrade work for the first data center is being carried out in Atlanta, and at the end of this quarter rest of the facilities will also be upgraded fully. The company is claiming that it is the first to hyperscale this technology and deploy it to all its data centers. Chris Aker, CEO of Linode, has stated that they have put a lot of effort into this to make their platform more efficient and performant.