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The Benefits of a Factory Dash...


The Benefits of a Factory Dashboard

Benefits Factory Dashboard
The Silicon Review
19 October, 2023

A factory dashboard provides a convenient single point of access to key production KPIs. This allows manufacturers to easily monitor and optimize manufacturing quality while managing all related manufacturing costs efficiently.

A manufacturing dashboard can help you identify inefficiencies that may be costing you money and make changes to improve your operations. In addition, it can also help you save money by avoiding costly repairs or replacements.

Real-time visibility

The manufacturing business requires constant monitoring and control to achieve successful results. With real-time visibility, you can quickly recognize errors and mitigate risks, improving workflows to raise production standards to compete with the best in your industry.

Business intelligence in insurance is becoming increasingly important for manufacturing companies to gain insights into their operations. The digital factory dashboard displays all of your data on a single screen, making it easy to spot problems at a glance. Managers can view comprehensive equipment and maintenance information, such as up and down tools, useful summary statistics by equipment type, and upcoming PMs.

Manufacturing dashboards help everyone stay informed, from senior executives to line managers and operators. They track performance levels and capacity for machinery, production lines, or entire factories. They also alert management when output falls behind schedule or when a machine is struggling with a specific task, providing an opportunity to address the problem and improve efficiency. In addition, manufacturing dashboards can show remote users real-time data to keep them in the loop even when they are away from the factory floor.

Predictive analytics

Predictive analytics turns heterogeneous, often massive, data sets into models that generate clear, actionable outcomes to support achieving business goals. Whether it is reducing material waste, eliminating stockouts, or minimizing quality issues, the technology enables manufacturers to run more efficiently and competitively.

Companies of all sizes and industries are big predictive analytics adopters. They use the tools to do everything from targeting online advertising to detecting impending parts failures in industrial equipment. Healthcare organizations use it to intelligently allocate facility resources based on patient trends and to predict which patients are at risk for costly near-term readmissions.

The key to implementing predictive analytics in your factory is to start with clear, specific goals. Your Industrial IoT and applied analytics technology partner can help determine which data points are needed to create predictive models based on the business challenges you want to solve. For example, when used with manufacturing equipment, predictive models can alert operators to imminent maintenance needs, which helps shift employees from finders to fixers.

Preventative maintenance

A successful preventive maintenance program reduces the risk of equipment failure, which can result in costly unplanned downtime. But it’s not easy to get one in place without a good, reliable way to collect and store data.

Preventive maintenance programs typically include scheduled inspections and servicing activities that can be performed either by machine personnel or outside technicians. They may also include standard operating procedures (SOPs) and inspection checklists.

Performing preventive maintenance on all your assets is key to an efficient and productive factory. It helps avoid the need for emergency work orders and reduces production downtime, as well as reduces labor costs and repairs.

Using a machine data platform with real-time analytical insights makes it easier to coordinate your preventive maintenance activities. You can use it to manage all your preventive maintenance requirements and data, including work orders, purchases, inspection records, and inventories. You can also upload and store all important documentation, such as asset O&M manuals and receipts.

Streamlining operations

Streamlining operations is the process of simplifying business workflows to reduce waste, save time, and improve efficiency. It can be accomplished in several ways, including eliminating unnecessary steps and automating tasks. It can also be used to improve communication between departments and provide greater visibility into overall performance. Ultimately, streamlining can help companies achieve their goals by increasing profitability and attracting customers through better service and faster production times.

Managing factory operations requires real-time data and a centralized system for monitoring performance. The best way to do this is with a smart factory dashboard. A manufacturing dashboard collects machine data from different sources into a cloud repository and provides a single point of access for managers to monitor key performance indicators.

The line dashboard is the ideal way to view a factory’s overall performance. It displays equipment availability, operator performance, quality data (such as first-pass yield and unit count), upcoming maintenance, and other manufacturing KPIs.