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Ekko and Primis united to elev...


Ekko and Primis united to elevate sustainability in e-commerce customer experiences

Ekko Primis e-commerce customer experiences
The Silicon Review
14 March, 2024

Ekko specialises in embedding sustainability into financial transactions, has partnered with Primis, which builds customer experience solutions

Aiming to infuse sustainable practices into the post-purchase customer journey, a partnership has emerged between Ekko and Primis. This collaboration targets a crucial void in the online shopping experience by enhancing visibility into the environmental footprint of online purchases. Ekko, a leading figure in FinTech, specializes in integrating sustainability into financial services, facilitating environmentally conscious decision-making for customers. In contrast, Primis excels in post-purchase customer experience enhancement by providing detailed insights into the product or service journey, thus elevating overall satisfaction and fostering brand loyalty. This alliance enables a seamless integration of sustainable practices in the post-purchase phase, offering options such as carbon offsetting and tree planting for reviews.

Such innovations not only enrich the customer experience but also enable brands to meet their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) objectives, nurturing an engaged and loyal customer base. Built on a data-driven foundation, the collaboration significantly enhances customer engagement, with metrics indicating up to a 95% increase in open rates. This approach amplifies brand transparency and trust, positioning the partnership as a pivotal force in driving enduring, positive environmental change for consumers and businesses alike. Oli Cook, CEO and co-founder of Ekko, expressed that the post-purchase phase presents an opportunity to engage with online customers and embed sustainability into eCommerce practices. Ekko is pleased to collaborate with Primis to revolutionize the post-purchase journey and underscore the environmental impacts of purchasing decisions.