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Strategies for Better Employee Relations

Strategies for Better Employee Relations
The Silicon Review
06 May, 2024

A workplace that fosters healthy relations between staff members is essential for yielding business success. Effective communication and collaboration between employees across all levels of an organization not only leads to greater productivity and output but also to a happier and more motivated workforce.

In today’s competitive job market, companies that prioritize employee relations stand a greater chance of attracting and retaining the best talent. From open communication channels between management and staff to effective conflict resolution methods to address and de-escalate grievances, strong employee relations can contribute to a work culture where employees feel valued and supported. In this article, we will explore three strategies human resources (HR) professionals can employ to improve employee relations within their organizations.


Engage Employees

Employees are the lifeblood of a business and not simply cogs in a larger corporate machine. By recognizing their contribution and actively seeking their input, ideas and feedback, companies can make great strides toward improving employee relations.

Whether it's senior management taking into account employee suggestions and concerns when reviewing the direction the business should go in or garnering their input on new workplace initiatives, involving employees in important decision-making processes and matters that affect them and the organization at large can lead to more innovative and informed results as well as a culture of collaboration, trust and mutual respect.

If your business could benefit from strategic HR consulting on employee and workplace relations,  Humanify HR Consulting can provide a service that is tailored to your unique organization’s requirements.

Prioritize Employee Well-being

Organizations can enhance employee relations by prioritizing employee well-being. According to a recent Gallup article, high well-being in the workplace boosts retention and acts as a magnet for attracting talent. As a result, employees are 32% less likely to be looking for or actively seeking out another job.

This can be achieved through offerings such as training courses and workshops on wellness matters like mindfulness and stress management as well as offering employee assistance programs (EAPs) where employees can receive support for personal issues.

These initiatives are more important than ever given the remote and hybrid working landscape many organizations have adopted. One study in this area found that working remotely increased feelings of loneliness by 67% in comparison to working in the office. Taking steps to ensure all employees feel included in company culture and decision-making is essential for building strong employee relations.

Promote DEI Initiatives

By promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, (DEI) initiatives within the workplace, businesses can ensure all employees feel valued, respected and supported regardless of their background, identity or gender.

This can include initiatives such as setting up employee resource groups (ERGs) where employees from certain backgrounds or interests are provided a safe space to connect, share experiences and support one another in the organization.

With 76% of employees and job seekers surveyed in a LinkedIn survey stating diversity is important when considering job offers, these initiatives can also ensure businesses attract and retain the best candidates for the job.

By implementing the guidance in this article, organizations can create a workplace where all employees feel engaged, included, and supported to give their best.