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30 Best CEOs Of the Year 2020

Pariveda Solutions, Inc. – Focusing first on growing the individual to their fullest potential


Management consultants help businesses improve their performance and grow by solving problems and finding new and better ways of doing things. It’s not just in the private sector either – many firms work with public sector organizations to help develop their services and, where necessary, reduce costs and make savings. Consultancy firms offer services across all areas of business – from HR and marketing to IT and finance.

Pariveda Solutions, Inc. is a leading management consulting firm specializing in improving our clients’ performance with strategic services and information technology solutions. The firm creatively solves complex, ambiguous business problems with their clients, mostly using technology. The company desires to help the individual grow through learning, coaching and giving to others to achieve their fullest potential. The individual is defined as Pariveda’s people, clients, recruits, alumni, and communities.

Core Values of Pariveda

The five core values of Pariveda permeate everything they do. When the firm makes a decision, they do it based on how well each choice conforms to these values. They are:


Pariveda adheres to high ethical standards in all of their work and:                                     

  • Report information promptly and completely
  • Encourage disclosing news that is not positive to foster transparency    
  • Welcome constructive feedback
  • Enable open communications and discussion


Altruism is a dominant trait of a successful organization and across all aspects of life. The firm expects its clients to:

  • Share risk and reward
  • Pull their own weight and help others including peers, subordinates, and supervisors
  • Work to create value for all parties

Servant Leadership

Pariveda values humble leadership as the most effective and powerful leadership model. The best leaders follow and the best followers lead. The healthiest organization is one whose members possess strong voluntary support for its values and objectives, where people sign themselves up for the mission. This includes providing patience, attention, encouragement, respect, fairness, compelling goals, and honest feedback, whether you are leading or following.


  • To constantly improve to meet and exceed the highest expectations of their clients and employees
  • Identify, attract and retain the finest talent possible to serve the clients and our employees
  • Promote people with demonstrated ability
  • Never allow the good to succeed as the enemy of the great


  • The measure of the marketplace's collective judgment about the company’s ability to generate value
  • The opportunity to earn a profit is how the free enterprise system enhances human health and happiness
  • Expanding profits reflect on their clients' increasingly positive views of the company's ability to create value

Strategic solutions furnished by Pariveda

Strategic Objectives

The team at Pariveda Solutions is ready to listen to your business strategy, analyze the possibilities, hypothesize a solution and ultimately, create value for your company. Whether you’re seeking to increase efficiencies, revolutionize operations with new technology, modernize your portfolio or expand into a new market (M&A), the firm will work together to create a roadmap that caters to your enterprise. Beginning with your goals, the experienced problem solvers of Pariveda will work to find the custom strategy for you, your employees and your customers.

Foundational Capabilities

The team of thinkers at Pariveda is prepared to add value and move your business to the cutting-edge. With technical expertise in the internet of things (IoT), machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), cloud architecture, and DevOps automation, they have the knowledge to build the foundation of the future of your business.

Innovative Solutions

Pariveda Solutions will establish purposeful, intelligent experiences through solutions like predictive analytics, mobile, and connected devices, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), web solutions, portals, and conversational applications. They offer experience-changing innovation to extend the value of your business.

Meet the pre-eminent leader: Bruce Ballengee

Bruce Ballengee is the Chief Executive Officer of Pariveda Solutions, Inc. He has held leadership positions in consulting, software and telecommunications industries in both large and small organizations including CEO, COO, CFO, and CTO. He has a bachelor’s degree in Business applications from Baylor University and holds a post-graduate degree in business application (Finance and economics) from University of Chicago.

“We believe in providing for the security and well-being of our people and their families.”