50 Most Admired Companies of The Year 2017
The Silicon Review
Condusiv Technologies is the world leader in software-only storage performance solutions for virtual and physical server environments, enabling systems to process more data in less time for faster application performance.
Condusiv’s V-locity I/O reduction software greatly reduces I/O overhead in virtual environments by eliminating the performance penalty from mixing uncoordinated, contentious and disruptive I/O streams from multiple virtual machines (the “I/O blender” effect). As a result, customers experience a minimum of 50% faster performance gains on their heaviest workloads. Condusiv’s Diskeeper storage performance solution is the #1 real-time fragmentation prevention solutions for Windows servers and clients, keeping servers, desktops and laptops running like new permanently. With over 50 million licenses sold, Condusiv solutions are used by 90% of the Fortune 1000 and almost three-quarters of the Forbes Global 100 to increase business productivity and reduce datacenter costs while extending the life of existing hardware.
Products Overview
V-locity 6.0 is I/O reduction software: V-locity solves the two big I/O inefficiencies in virtual environments that rob 50% of bandwidth from VM (virtual machine) to storage with I/O characteristics that are much smaller, more fractured, and more random than they need to be. This "death by a thousand cuts" scenario penalizes performance of both flash and spindle storage systems, V-locity is transparent, set and forget software that solves this problem with large, clean contiguous writes and reads, so more payload is delivered with every I/O operation. In addition, V-locity further reduces I/O to storage by caching hot reads from idle, available DRAM. Nothing has to be allocated for cache since V-locity dynamically adjusts to only what is otherwise unused. Most customers serve 50% of their read traffic if there is at least 4GB of available memory during peak operation. If a system is memory constrained, V-locity's caching engine backs off entirely.
Target Applications: V-locity is most commonly used by virtualized organizations to address their most I/O intensive workloads as its effectiveness scales with workload intensity. This typically means applications running on top of SQL/Oracle/SAP, ERP, VDI, EHR/EMR (MEDITECH), OLTP, Business Intelligence (BI) apps, CRM, Exchange, SharePoint, file servers, backup, and more.
Whether it's a client facing application whereby users are complaining about sluggish performance during peak load or a back office batch job or report that is taking too long to complete, V-locity improves business efficiency without the high cost or disruption of new hardware. Since V-locity runs with near-zero overhead, the footprint on compute resources is negligible.
Benefit Validation: V-locity demonstrates the value provided to any one VM or group of VMs by showing the number and percentage of all write requests that are reduced by sequentializing otherwise small, fractured writes and the number and percentage of all read traffic that is cached via DRAM. More importantly, V-locity quantifies the time savings from its optimizations and displays a “time saved” dashboard so the ROI is easily justified and expressed in terms that mean the most to the business – time saved.
Server Storage Performance: Root cause performance issues for I/O intensive applications running on virtual or physical servers can be traced back to I/O inefficiencies due to many small writes and reads that chew up system performance and is akin to pouring molasses on even the most powerful systems since a majority of the I/O traffic is much smaller than it needs to be. This “death by a thousand cuts” scenario inflates IOPS, robs throughput, and shortens the lifespan of HDDs and SSDs alike. Many organizations reactively attempt to mask this problem by overspending on new storage hardware for more performance.
Server Performance For virtual environments, this is a problem on steroids as the I/O streams from disparate virtual machines (VMs) are mixed together and randomized via the “I/O blender” effect before sending out to storage a very random and difficult profile to process.
Because this inefficiency wastes system resources at its most basic production level, the file, and because of the sheer scale of read/write operations on even a small corporate server, I/O bottlenecks build up fast and create slows on all Windows servers.
Condusiv solutions address the root cause performance issues at the point of origin where I/O is created by ensuring large, clean contiguous writes from Windows to eliminate the “death by a thousand cuts” scenario of many small writes and read that chew up performance. Condusiv solutions electrify performance even further with the addition of DRAM caching – using idle DRAM to serve hot reads without creating an issue of memory contention or resource starvation. Condusiv’s “Set It and Forget It” software optimizes both writes and reads and guarantees to solve your toughest application performance challenges or your money back for 90 days – no questions asked.
Client Testimonials
“V-locity has been installed on our server which is what we consider a critical system since it runs our County 911 dispatch system. We installed the V-locity software because we want to insure that it will run in peak performance.” -Jerry Eaton, Public Safety Support, Clermont County Office of Technology
“When building out my environment I made sure to have fast hard drives, controllers, etc. in order to make sure I did not suffer bottlenecks. I am very careful about not over-committing resources. However, I was shocked to see how much performance increased on the servers I had hosting disk-intensive operations (this includes our database server, our Exchange server, and two terminal servers). I am very happy with this product.” -Bill Philpot, Manager of Information Technology, Mesa Industries.
Meet the mastermind
Craig Jensen, Founder: Having worked in the computer industry since 1969, Jensen founded Diskeeper Corporation (formerly Executive Software) in 1981 with nothing more than an early personal computer and a box of file folders in his kitchen in Hollywood, California. Craig has taken the company's 33 years of thought leadership in file system management and caching, and transformed into an enterprise software company that optimizes I/O in virtual environments to overcome the severe performance penalty from the "I/O blender" effect. With this transformation, the company was renamed Condusiv Technologies and the flagship V-locity product line has quickly amassed nearly 2,000 corporate installations.