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Zeguro – Empowering every organization to withstand the digital unknown


Cyber risk management is very important for today’s business with rapidly changing technology. Both small and large organizations need to understand that the current risks related to cyber can make the organization an important target for the attacker. Even the biggest organization with a large customer base could fall victim to an attack. Cyber-attack on an unprepared business could cause damage in terms of data loss, financial impact, brand reputation, and loss of morale among the employees. Preventing attacks just by installing anti-virus is no longer enough to prevent attacks. Anti-virus is just one aspect of risk management. Organizations need to establish and implement a risk management strategy to mitigate the risks specific to their business and to eliminate cyber-attack threats. A cyber risk management strategy can help the decision-makers about the risks associated with it on a day to day operation level. An assessment related to cyber risk will help the business to establish the likelihood of any cyber-related attacks they are vulnerable to. A cyber risk management strategy can help the business to understand the key threats which can also help to spend money and time in the right places. This will also help in preventing the risks which were identified in the assessment.

Cyber risk is a problem shared by everyone in this digital age. Zeguro gives you the tools and training to manage and monitor security continuously, without the overhead of consultants and security executives. Zeguro's virtual cybersecurity platform identifies risks and mitigates them with technology, training, and process. In addition, they keep you in compliance with data regulations and contractual obligations. Ongoing assessment, mitigation, and remediation keep cyber risk and cyber insurance premiums in check. With simplicity at its core, Zeguro enables small and medium enterprises to automate cybersecurity processes, detect cyber risks in people, processes and technology, and provide ongoing recommendations to mitigate cyber risk. Hackers and cyber attackers never rest – if they succeed, Zeguro’s innovative, custom-tailored insurance will help your businesses recover from such interruptions. Zeguro is a pioneer in truly tech-enabled cyber insurance.

Offering Robust Cyber Security Services

Cyber Safety Security Training: Security awareness training is a formal process that seeks to improve employee security knowledge through education. Employee negligence or lack of knowledge often leads to security incidents and data breaches. Training plays a crucial role in the success of any cybersecurity program by reducing the human risk factor. Zeguro’s customized employee awareness training modules provide assessments for all enrolled employees at your company so you can get a baseline of your cybersecurity readiness. From there, you can use the security policy modules, which cover critical standard policies under SOC 2 and PCI DSS, to train your employees on creating procedures that will help you achieve compliance. 50% of SMBs have experienced a web-based attack. Zeguro offers automated web vulnerability scanning, so that you can discover security weaknesses on a regular basis. Their scan reports provide detailed proof of detected vulnerability and offer suggestions for how to fix them so that you can protect your web apps and websites from hackers.

Cyber Safety Monitoring: People are the primary root cause of data breaches due to both negligence and lack of knowledge. Zeguro offers user-tailored security training so employees can keep security top-of-mind. First, a cybersecurity skills assessment is given to determine each employee's strengths and weaknesses. Courses, which cover a variety of topics such as phishing, social engineering, and working remotely, are then delivered on a monthly basis with the weakest subjects prioritized. A website vulnerability scanner is automated software designed to search for security vulnerabilities in websites or web applications. New vulnerabilities are constantly being discovered, and many web apps add new features that can introduce vulnerabilities on a regular basis. It’s important to do scans on a regular, continual basis so that you can fix vulnerabilities before hackers take advantage of them.

Cyber Safety Security Policies: Security policies are living documents of rules and guidelines that need to be followed by people accessing company data, assets, systems, and other IT resources. The main purpose of an information security policy is to ensure that the company’s cybersecurity program is working effectively. Cyber Safety comes with 10 security policy templates, including recommended, business-specific, and specialized policies. Use these templates, modify them to fit your organization’s needs, or upload your own custom policies. Zeguro has created a Marketplace of partners, including Vanta, Cobalt, Graphus, and others, so that you can get access to exclusive discounts on a variety of security and compliance solutions you may need, such as accelerated SOC 2 compliance, pentesting, phishing defense, and more.

PCI DSS Compliance: As electronic payments have grown in popularity, personal and financial data has become increasingly vulnerable. High profile data breaches have motivated the payment card industry to take on the challenge of protecting consumer data. The result: several payment card brands collaborated to develop a set of standards known as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Any organization that transmits, processes, or stores credit card information must comply with the PCI DSS. Non-compliance can be costly, with monthly penalties ranging from $5000-$100,000. Stay compliant and protect against payment card data misuse. Comply with several PCI DSS requirements with their Cyber Safety platform. First, their Monitoring module scans your web applications to identify vulnerabilities, including the use of insecure encryption as well as common web app flaws. Zeguro has also partnered with Cobalt to deliver required PCI penetration testing. To boost employee security awareness, their general security training program is aligned with industry standards and security control frameworks like ISO 27001 and NIST SP 800-53. Finally, if all else fails, their cyber liability insurance helps cover fines and penalties that may be assessed due to non-compliance with any of the PCI DSS standards (subject to underwriting approval).

Sidd Gavirneni | Co-Founder & CEO

Sidd has over 18 years of security, strategy, product & innovation management experience; He earned a  MBA from IE in Spain and from Dartmouth; MS in computer science with a focus on information security.

"We deliver a holistic cyber risk management platform to protect organizations from business loss due to cyber-attacks."