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United Postal Service extends its collaboration with Google Cloud to deal with incoming data

United Postal Service extends its collaboration with Google Cloud to deal with incoming data
The Silicon Review
31 March, 2022

The expansion plan is expected to increase network storage, compute capacity, and storage for UPS, and the company will also provide AI and ML tools to analyze incoming data

United Postal Service (UPS) has recently made an announcement that it will be soon extending its deal with Google Cloud. The Alphabet Inc-owned entity is set to continue supporting the logistics company's new data initiatives. The expansion plan is expected to increase network storage, compute capacity, and storage for UPS, and the company will also provide AI and ML tools to analyze incoming data. As UPS decides to add microchips to the packages, a data surge is expected. As of now, the company is yet to reveal the size of the cloud capacity and the deal's overall value.

UPS's CIO and engineering officer Juan Perez has stated that the potential of the latest expansion is limitless, and it was vital to add the expansion as the incoming volume of data was exponential. He furthermore added that in 2020 UPS had delivered more than 24.7 million packages a day. UPS wants to provide more accurate information to customers in package locations by adding RFID chips. Right now, the initiative is in the pilot phase. Premiere packages will have chips on them. This was particularly helpful during vaccine delivery. As UPS makes use of RFID, it wants a place where it can easily analyze the massive datasets.