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Google fined $515,000 by Austr...Google denied that the videos contained defamatory content and defended the YouTuber
In Australia, the Federal Court ordered Google to pay the former Deputy Premier of New South Wales A$715,000. Google was fined for its refusal to remove a hateful and racist comment on YouTube. The lawmaker claimed that the vilification drove him out of politics. The court found that Alphabet Inc. Company intentionally made money by hosting videos that attacked the lawmaker. These videos have been viewed nearly 800,000 times since being posted in 2020.
Australia is one of the few western nations where online platforms have the same legal responsibilities as publishers. The ruling reiterates the culpability technology firms have for defamation done by users on their websites. Google denied that the videos contained defamatory content and defended the Youtuber by saying they had the right to criticize a politician. The said video in question was created by Jordan Shanks, who repeatedly called the lawmaker John Barillaro “corrupt” and made racial slurs based on his Italian Heritage. The judge, Steve Rares, said that this amounted to nothing less than hate speech. The court found Google to have breached its policies and, in effect, driven Mr. Barilaro prematurely from his chosen service, causing him to quit. After the verdict, The lawmaker said that he felt vindicated.