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How Corporate Wellness Programs Are Key to Employee Retention

How Corporate Wellness Programs Are Key to Employee Retention
The Silicon Review
27 June, 2024

In today’s competitive business world attracting and retaining the best talent is as important as acquiring and retaining customers. One of the ways employers are achieving this goal is through their corporate wellness offerings. By prioritizing the overall well-being of their staff, organizations can create environments where their people feel valued and supported.

This has been confirmed by research that shows that companies that offer comprehensive wellness programs benefit from higher employee retention. The Society for Human Resource Management found that 40% of workers say they are encouraged to work harder and perform better and 26% miss fewer days of work as a result of wellness programs. In this article, we will explore this topic in more detail.

Improved Job Satisfaction and Productivity

Employees are more likely to stay in their current positions if they are satisfied with their roles and various aspects of their work environment. Wellness programs can contribute significantly to this satisfaction by creating a healthier and more supportive workplace culture by supporting employees in different areas of their lives.

This can be achieved through fitness classes, health screenings and other offerings that provide employees benefits to their physical health. Research shows that employees who exercise regularly are physically healthier, and more engaged and productive at work. With increased energy levels they are also less likely to feel sluggish during the work day, improving overall productivity and satisfaction.

Stress Reduction

Stress is a significant factor that contributes to employee retention rates. Research reveals that 46% of HR leaders find employee burnout is responsible for up to 50% of their annual workforce turnover. In addition to losing valuable staff members, work stress can have a detrimental effect on the quality of work employees produce, impairing their focus and reducing their overall productivity. As a result, wellness programs that help counter stress are a valuable addition to any workforce.

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), Americans who have emotional support if they need it report lower stress levels and better-related outcomes than those without emotional support. By offering employees this support through counseling services, therapy, and other mental wellness benefits, employers can take a holistic approach that addresses their employees' overall well-being.

One therapeutic tool that can help organizations in this area is eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). By identifying the underlying cause behind certain work stressors, which are often rooted in past traumatic experiences, EMDR intensives can help lower the emotional toll of burnout and stress at work.

Improved Morale

Employers who support their employees, both physically and emotionally through their wellness programs are more likely to engender trust, boost morale, and create a positive workplace environment. Initiatives such as flexible working arrangements, team-building activities, and buddy programs can help employees feel seen, supported, and part of a community, improving employee relations and motivating them to perform at their best. When employee morale is high, workers are less likely to search for opportunities elsewhere that better suit their needs, resulting in higher retention rates for employers. 

By offering their staff comprehensive wellness programs, employers can make great strides in retaining their best people.