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30 Fastest Growing Private Companies to Watch 2023

‘Green Technology’: Green Network Exchange, Inc. goes above and above to serve its clients and promote sustainable behaviours as part of its efforts to help create a greener world


Green Network Exchange grows to become one of the most renowned and significant electronics waste recycling companies in New England and New York.

Green Network Exchange, or GNE, is a leading green technology company that provides electronic recycling, e-waste management services, and practices “Green Technology”. It properly recycles large quantities of used computer electronics and sorts by type of equipment for downstream processing. The company’s mission is to extend the life of electronics.

GNE was created with the mindset of helping the environment and attaining a sustainable method of managing e-waste efficiently. It services all of New England and New York and is one of the largest electronic waste recycling companies providing coverage for over 40 property management firms and more than 2000 customers. With constantly challenging events evolving regularly that modern IT enterprises face, GNE helps recycle older equipment, when newer versions are released, helping businesses quickly upgrade their systems to improve business operations. The company provides estimates of the project's cost, assesses the devices for repair, and refurbishes the equipment for reuse back out to the secondary marketplace.

In response to The Silicon Review's request, David Williams, founder and CEO of Green Network Exchange, provided the following response.

“We recognize the great need for computer technology and process them to be recycled, refurbished, and ultimately reused.”

“We work with our clients, especially resources-limited IT organizations, to determine the best approach to manage their e-waste.”

Green Network Exchange can also assist IT personnel by tracking all assets, serial numbers, corporate tags, and hard drive serial numbers for reporting purposes. GME is customer-centric and provides complete electronic waste services to meet the needs of its clients.

Since 2009, Green Network Exchange has been a reliable agent for property managers of large office parks and buildings, such as Boston Properties, CBRE, Cushman & Wakefield, Hines, and their tenants by providing regular e-waste events and collections. The company is prioritizing sustainability by recovering useable computer equipment and parts for resale in the market, commoditizing computer e-waste, and contributing to environmental protection.

“We work with our clients, especially resources-limited IT organizations, to determine the best approach to manage their e-waste.”

“We recognize the great need for computer technology and process them to be recycled, refurbished, and ultimately reused.”