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10 Best Healthcare Companies to Watch 2022

‘The cornerstone of our approach to the public involves education’ David Greene, Founder and CEO of R3 Stem Cell


Chronic pain is complex and there are many treatment options out there, including physical therapies, cortisone injections, along with conventional medications. But all of these existing pain management therapies are great at merely suppressing, or “hiding” discomfort, with medications such as cortisone, opiates or anti-inflammatory medications. Although these treatments provide chronic pain patients much-needed relief, they do not really fix the problem. The underlying root cause of the pain remains unaddressed.

Based out of the US, R3 Stem Cell is a company that pioneers in innovative regenerative medicine therapies that deliver the most cutting-edge stem cell procedures available today. It is the only company in the US to have achieved Institutional Review Board Approval for the investigation of regenerative therapies with amniotic and umbilical cord tissue for several condition categories.

But how do they actually harness the body’s ability to repair and regenerate the painful problem at hand? Regenerative Medicine at R3 Stem Cell’s Centers of Excellence consists of therapies with either bone marrow, adipose, amniotic, PRP or umbilical cord tissue that contains platelets, cytokines, growth factors, and exosomes to initiate a healing response in one’s own body. R3 Stem Cell delivers its care through its 35+ global centers in its network.

The R3 Centers offer stem cell injections, including:

Stem Cell Injections derived from your own Bone Marrow or Fat

Amniotic Derived Injections processed at an FDA Registered Lab

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

Umbilical Cord Tissue with growth factors, exosomes, cytokines, and stem cells.

The therapies listed above are same-day, outpatient therapies. All of the injections are performed either into joints or soft tissue. Internationally, procedures also consist of intravenous and intrathecal administration depending on the type of condition a patient has. All of the therapies at R3 are administered by providers who are compassionate and highly skilled.

One of their patients said: “I’ve had the stem cell procedure done on both knees, and it has made a believer out of me. My right knee was not as bad as my left, and it improved results were faster but I highly recommend it. Recovery is painless and I started to feel a difference after one month. I had the procedure the last week of January 2021 and here we are the last week of May 2021, and I can get around like I did 20 years ago.”

We recently interviewed David Greene, MD, PhD, MBA, Founder and CEO of R3 Stem Cell, to learn more about how the company is working on educating the public on regenerative medicine and its innovation.

Q. What was the motivation behind starting R3 Stem Cell?

Initially, R3 started as a class project a dozen years ago while I was a student at Arizona State University’s Executive MBA Program. During the process, I realized that the technology could be able to help many thousands of people worldwide. So I made R3 a real company, and am proud to say over the past decade the company has grown to over 45 locations in six countries.

Q. What makes R3 Stem Cell relevant in today’s times? Could you give us some context?

Absolutely! I see R3 Stem Cell as the leader in regenerative technologies globally, focused on offering patients innovative treatments that are safe and effective. So many individuals will benefit from regenerative therapies when traditional treatments fail.

R3’s treatments include biologics that are not only first rate, safe and include high stem cell counts, but the treatments are the most cost-effective worldwide. We have over 20 best practice treatment protocols and a significant amount of ancillary therapies to improve outcomes such as nutritional optimization, hyperbaric oxygen therapy and supplements.

Q. How important are partnerships for your growth?

The partnerships that R3 has developed both domestically and internationally have been critical to our growth.

There are several keys to effective growth. Proper growth maintains first rate patient outcomes and experience, which includes top notch biologics and provider expertise. I’m not willing to promote growth just for additional revenue. Patient outcomes are too important, so I’ve decided to keep it slow and steady to make sure the focus remains where it should be, on our patients!

Q. What are you doing to educate the public about Regenerative Medicine?

The cornerstone of our approach to the public involves education. It’s critical for new technology, and both prospective patients and providers need accurate, up-to-date information in order to make proper healthcare decisions for themselves and their patients.

Our educational efforts for patients have included the Stem Cell Masterclass, which includes 8 episodes totaling four hours of content. Experts in Regenerative Medicine discuss topics on the biologics, treatments, supplements and maximizing outcomes. Over a dozen patients are interviewed as well about their experiences.

In addition, the R3 YouTube Channel has a few hundred educational videos in it which have received millions of views to date. R3 also created over 20 patient brochures discussing specific conditions for treatment consideration. We published a Consumer Guide for prospective patients as well, along with a patient portal detailing the do’s and don’ts before and after a procedure.

For healthcare providers, I created R3 Medical Training which teaches providers about regenerative biologics, treatment protocols, and lets them spend time with our expert trainers assisting with real procedures on real patients. The courses have been a tremendous success over the past five years.


Q. Could you tell us about the work culture at R3 Stem Cell?

I’m extremely proud of the team at R3, which has grown tremendously over the past decade. The characteristics of each and every team member include compassion, dedication and a commitment to our patients who desire a better life.

That is truly what matters the most. At the same time, respect for each other is also paramount. I love the saying, “It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice.” Everyone plays a role in patient success, and I appreciate how each and every team member has committed themselves to R3’s mission.

Q. Could you tell us about one of your success stories?

R3 enjoys an 85% patient satisfaction rate, with over 19,000 procedures performed over the past decade. So, there are MANY success stories to choose from.

One of the instances I think about a lot is a gentleman in his 30’s, who sustained an ischemic stroke in the UK. The stroke left him with significant neurologic deficits, an inability to walk by himself, and persistent “fogging” of his brain which made working difficult. Within three months after receiving his stem cell therapy at one of our international locations, the patient improved dramatically. His “brain fog” cleared, and he improved with his walking to the point of not requiring assistance. Anyone seeing the video can’t help but get emotional, especially when considering that conventional treatments for stroke are extremely limited. It’s a breakthrough!

Another instance involves a gentleman in his 50’s who was placed on a liver transplant list. He visited our Mexico location for treatment two years ago, and it helped a lot. So he has come back several times, with his liver function improving each time to where he’s off the transplant list now.

Q. Could you tell us about your plans for expansion? Are your services going to be available to new geographies in the near future?

Years ago I realized that regenerative medicine should be available to people all over the world. As the technology has proven itself to be remarkably safe and effective for many conditions, R3 has been in a great position to become that global leader.

Currently, R3 has bustling locations in Mexico, Pakistan and throughout the USA with expansion occurring into India, Morocco, the Philippines, and South America. We have several clinical trials gearing up to start this year, with a full research team in place putting them together.

Customer Testimonials

“Stem Cell repaired my knee in 6 weeks. One Stem Cell and a very small amount of blood shot. The rest was therapy, exercise 2 or 3 days. I have traveled a lot since then and my knee Is working great for 4 years now. I am 80 yrs. old.” – Sharon Haralson Parker

“Just want to say thank you for taking care of my mother and the other friends who accompanied her. I have talked with them and they said the experience was excellent. From the drivers, to the office staff as well as the doctors, it was all very pleasant and professional. They would all do it again in a minute, and likely will down the road. When the product and service is that good, all I have to do is tell people about it and what MSCs are and how they work, it then practically sells itself. Now on to the next group of 3 coming down in the coming week or so. Yay!” – Michael T, Canada

“I know for a fact that stem cell works. No more pain pills. I have multiple spine injuries and stem cell works. I recommend it for every area you’re having problems. It’s so much better than surgery. I had to have more than one treatment in some areas but it works; I spent five and a half years and 120 Plus mg of opiates per day. But now no pain pills at all.” – Raymond

About the Leader

David Greene, Founder & CEO

David Greene, MD, PhD, MBA, founded R3 Stem Cell in 2011. As the CEO, Research Director, and Medical Education Director, he constantly works to move the field of regenerative medicine forward. Under his leadership, not only have R3’s Centers of Excellence performed 19,000 procedures over the past decade, the educational videos, consumer guides and Masterclass have reached millions of individuals worldwide.

“R3’s treatments include biologics that are not only first rate, safe and include high stem cell counts, but the treatments are the most cost-effective worldwide.” – David Greene, Founder and CEO