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50 Most Admired Companies of The Year 2018

Leading the Cryptocurrency Charge: UTRUST


The internet boom gave rise to a particular type of digital currency called cryptocurrency. Unlike most virtual currencies, cryptocurrencies use decentralized control, meaning that they are unencumbered by banks or governments. Social media sparked interest in cryptocurrencies across the globe with Bitcoin being the most sought after of these digital coins.

Founded in 2017 UTRUST is focused on providing merchants with a safe and reliable platform for accepting payments in any cryptocurrency. On top of that, the company is driven to protect customers while giving them the best possible payment experience.

This means resolving disputes by acting as a mediator and enabling refunds to stop fraud in its tracks.

The platform instantly converts crypto into national currencies, also known as fiat currencies. This means greater flexibility for merchants and their customers. UTRUST wants to show the world that merchants can start accepting crypto, while keeping business as usual. It’s making payments simple as they should be.

Meet the Groundbreaking CEO of UTRUST

Nuno Correia, founder, and CEO of UTRUST is an investor and early adopter of cryptocurrency. He has been deeply involved in the crypto community since early 2011. Correia has used his background in Law and Marketing to successfully co-found several B2C ventures with an aim towards transforming the future of digital payments.

Q. Why did you decide to launch UTRUST?

We started UTRUST with the goal of disrupting the cryptocurrency payments landscape by offering the world’s first platform which protects customers. We’re a young startup but we have grown continuously by a focusing on solving the core problems in cryptocurrency. We’re making sure that we can provide our merchants with an easy-to-integrate API alongside an exceptional experience for both customers and merchants.

Q. What challenges did you face in starting the company?

In our first year UTRUST faced two challenges in both product delivery and growth. Building an solution from the ground up in a new market is no small task. Anything from defining market indicators or studying our target demographic had to be done by our team. At the same time we had to assemble a group of people aligned with our core values so that we could grow to the challenge of a new market. As a startup we’ve had limited resources, but we’ve sunk them into creating the best team and an incredible group of supporters in order to create a continuously improving feedback loop.

We believe in creating an adaptive, resilient organization that will survive in the long run. This is challenging in a competitive technological marketplace. So, we focus on internal innovation, adapting to new market realities and a vision to create a new paradigm for cryptocurrency payments.

Q. What was your experience with your company’s first undertaking? You mentioned that constant feedback molded your approach, what can you tell us about that?

Our first live product roll-out went very well. We chalk this up to our technical aptitude and our team’s willingness to adapt to new circumstances on the fly. The feedback from our community has been overwhelmingly positive. We listen to all constructive criticism which helps us shape and prioritize features in order to develop our next product iteration.

Q. How importance is a culture of sustainability in an organization?

Sustainability is critical for any company that desires to maintain its market position and customer base. UTRUST is a small startup that has enjoyed an enormous amount of growth, we believe that this is because of our focus on sustainable development. On top of this, we have a strong belief in investing in talent, and forging solid partnerships, all while staying true to our core values. This means that we always stay true to ourselves and the reputation which we’ve forged in our community.

Q. Do you also believe that a company’s behavior is as important as its performance?

Absolutely, we believe that behavior is a crucial driver in long-term economic performance. Consistent improvement creates trust in our supporters and our employees. Everyone who works as a part of our team is apart of the UTRUST family. That means we share a core vision and a set of beliefs. Everyone who works with us is both autonomous and responsible. We believe that by empowering everyone as micro decision makers we can achieve the best possible results without delving into time-wasting micromanagement. We believe that we are becoming a leader in a cutting edge industry. This means that our behavior has to match our philosophy and our performance. We’re called UTRUST afterall.

Q. What are your greatest strengths as an organization?

  • Our employee’s passion and dedication to build something that has never been built before
  • Our community which supports and trusts us to this day.
  • Our commitment to creating A payment platform which will make cryptocurrency payment as easy as it should be.
  • Our alignment with cutting-edge technology which is disrupting the world of finance
  • Our ability to adapt in an ever-changing competitive landscape

Q. Why is UTRUST Successful?

As with many other companies, UTRUST’s success comes from faithfulness to our core message. We believe our message should be clear in every action we undertake, every announcement we make, and all partnerships we form. Trust can only be built by committing to a long-term relationship with our community, customers, and partners. We believe in enduring and persevering through tough times and never wavering by taking the easy route of prioritizing short-term results over building the future.

Over the next 5 years, we see ourselves as the leading company for cryptocurrency payments. On top of that, we believe that we will enjoy unparalleled growth and the reputation of a brand that is universally associated with a reliable and trustworthy means of payment using cryptocurrency.

“Our Mission is to become a world leader in providing solutions for cryptocurrency payments.”