50 Smartest Companies of the Year 2022
The Silicon Review
They’re in all of our pockets now, aren’t they?
I’m talking, of course, about mobile devices. And the core functionality of those devices (other than making phone calls, I’ve been told) is to run a whole host of applications that serve nearly every imaginable purpose.
Businesses from all corners of the world, offering a ridiculous range of products, have begun migrating from the physical world of handing out leaflets, printing advertisements, and hanging billboards to the mobile realm. And you should too.
If you are a business owner and your business does not have a mobile app, you need to get one. Having a web presence alone is no longer sufficient as online activity shifts to mobile. Smartphone apps have become too important a marketing tool for business owners to do without.
The demand for mobile-phone usage means that smartphone apps have become an essential marketing tool for companies, including small businesses.
Mobile app development enterprises are currently developing applications that serve as a global digital business window. Custom-designed apps are the method to focus on the needs and streamlining of a company’s services. The creation of a bespoke app is based on the particular needs of customers.
One of the smartest companies in the market to choose to hire to build your mobile app is SKYLAB. SKYLAB is a groundbreaking tech ecosystem that puts rich, fully customizable, and multi-functional community-driven social apps into the hands of groups, associations, influencers, or businesses with a speed to market impossible with custom builds.
Following excerpts were taken from a conversation with Dean Grey, the Founder of Skylab.
Q. What was the motivation behind starting Skylab?
In response to the rising interest by companies, organizations, and creators to have greater autonomy over their data, values, community, and monetization, SKYLAB answered by creating a suite of powerful tools weaved together on a feature-rich, self-serve platform where owners can engage and monetize their communities free from the many concerns associated with more significant social media and private cloud players.
Q. Can you explain about your services in brief?
SKYLAB incubates and launches robust, private, and independent community engagement platforms for companies, organizations, and creators using our fully customizable technology on a highly secure private cloud.
Q. Digital transformation must provide a competitive edge to the customers. How do you gain insights to keep your clients ahead of the curve?
SKYLAB applies the underlying principles, mechanics, and psychology of gamification to accumulate behavioral data from users, which is then used towards achieving higher engagement yield for community owners, which in turn results in higher revenues from advertising and other sources
Q. “Empowering people of influence with a platform they own and control to stay authentic” How do you consistently maintain the quality of your service?
SKYLAB maintains and grows the quality of our service using a combination of engagement data and user feedback. With so many unique clients who choose to manage their communities in their ways, SKYLAB’s engineering team rapidly adapts by incorporating client requests into new feature sets that benefit all of our clients as enhanced customization options.
Q. Data is expected to play a vital role in the ingestion, computation, storage, and management of information. How do you interpret this?
Data security, privacy, and autonomy are crucial considerations for our clients, so SKYLAB’s platform and private cloud offering were designed to meet this growing concern, allowing users to know there is no improper use or selling of data.
In an increasingly regulated world, organizations are facing greater scrutiny than ever.
Increased regulations and restrictions imposed by private tech companies, as well as increasingly restrictive community guidelines for users and advertisers, have led to a surge in demand for decentralized social media and marketing platforms, and SKYLAB meets this immediate need by giving community owners and organizations complete control over the values, content, and monetization of their platforms.
Q. Growing the company based on employees’ passions must be the priority. Do you ask your employees what they are interested in doing and how they would like to see their careers unfold?
SKYLAB’s proprietary Value Reinforcement System is a core benefit for communities joining the platform. It has been designed to elevate and improve the lives of social media users instead of addicting them to repetitive and insatiable behaviors. This leads to healthier and more active communities, an approach to life and work that defines SKYLAB’s corporate culture. We live the values our products are designed to achieve for all its users.
Q. Do you have any new services ready to be launched?
SKYLAB is weeks from launching a wholly upgraded v2.0 of the platform, with a wide array of modern social media features, a reimagined gamification engine, and a sophisticated Ad Server and DSP to improve monetization options for our clients.
Q. What does the future hold for your company and its customers? Are exciting things on the way?
The future of social media is decentralization. SKYLAB stands at the cusp of the Web3.0 revolution. It is helping organizations break out of the stagnancy and restrictions of the past into a new era of independence, tech freedom, and entrepreneurial empowerment.
Leading SKYLAB’s charge through the tech industry
Dean Grey is the founder of SKYLAB. He is recognized globally as one of the leading experts in economic transformation and has created several technology-focused companies that facilitate change on a global scale.
Dean documented 300 plus interviews with world influencers, coaches, military, pastors, and game designers to create a solution for the need for third-party platforms to decentralize, gamify, monetize and own their data.