50 Best Companies to Watch 2022
The Silicon Review
“We just happen to be the conversational authority in the AI space.”
Vocodia, an artificial intelligence company, promises to disrupt the contact center industry. The company’s leading software DISA, also known as Digital Intelligent Sales Agents, is an applied AI technology for telemarketing and call centers.
The company is based in Florida.
The Silicon Review spoke exclusively to Brian Podolak, CEO and co-founder of Vocodia. Here’s what he said.
Interview Highlights
Q. What inspired the creation of Vocodia? And where does the company stand at the moment relative to other participants in the industry?
That’s a great question. It’s always hard to choose where to start as the idea had been bubbling for years between Jimmy [Sposato] and I. We both worked together on a project where we were brought in to build out digital marketing and sales platform(s). After 30 days, we flipped the switch and found the internet’s promise, pulling in $12 million in revenue, instantly. We were giddy. All that business was set, automated, down to the packaging, on the docks, and ready to deliver. Our challenge became the salespeople and scaling them as far as training, motivation, education, and how to use systems. The business team was spending the money and would not give us sales support. I wound up converting as much of the business as I could while being swamped with salespeople running around aimlessly. We could not get them to simply take the orders pinging their inbox and service the customers. We were pulling our hair out. I remember saying to Jimmy, “If we could just digitize the people, how far could we scale? It’s the people getting in the way.” These are issues everyone deals with, but our pain point became obvious: People have limitations on many levels – even showing up to work on time and their work product while the clock is ticking. Jimmy is the coolest coder you will ever meet. He just did his boyish grin and nodded at me, furled his eyebrows, and said, let me see what we can do about that.
Shortly after, we found ourselves as dismayed by the Covid-19 pandemic as everyone else and in an attempt to simply buy what Vocodia is today off the shelf we were out there looking but couldn’t find it. That’s when Jimmy called me over and showed me on his computer that he had unlocked the biggest barrier in code. When that happened, we realized the disruption potential for all our clients and contacts, and he said, “let us build this thing out to prove it.” He did, and we did. Then it was scaling and stability. And now here we are. Our tech is currently way ahead of the industry.
Q. How does Vocodia disrupt the contact center industry?
Dramatically! Now that we are knee-deep in the financial world, it is becoming clear to the powers of influence what we represent and that is disruption at a new scale. The critical factor is the efficiency of production versus the costs of production at an hourly rate of labor. The call center edge of outsourced labor and as a power machine of insourced sales and customer service can now experience new levels of efficiency that have never existed. Scalability and accuracy in sales and lead gen versus costs and human level influence permits businesses to determine their rate of sales by the hour. This is an ordering business made as simple as ordering a pizza. The disruption in this area is so instant and massive that even the masters in the call center industry have a hard time accepting its availability right now. It’s like explaining what gasoline is to a backwoods Kentucky moonshiner in the late 1800s who has never heard of an automobile. They may have the best bourbon in the world and the automobile could transform them into a large liquor distributor nationwide but all they know is the horse and cart. Customer service is disrupted because as you know people are pulling back into the USA and the pandemic reduced retail to more secure online and telephonic service as evidenced by the banking industry. Show me a customer not exhausted by wait times, either due to the pandemic or due to unusually higher than normal caller volume. Customers just want to be serviced and taken care of in one ring of a phone call.
That said, our technology due to all-in labor costs provides margins of multiples of earnings within existing margins that have been unimaginable until now. It’s not just call centers. We are the last mile of CRMs. What happens when fewer seats are necessary by vast margins because our Digital Intelligent Sales Agents can replace salespeople throughout the entire sales process. As more enterprises realize and migrate to our technology, what happens to the need for HR, CRM compliance, trainers, managers, etc.? AI is extremely transformative, and it is here and migrating whether we like it or not. We just happen to be the conversational authority in the AI space.
Q. What can you tell us about DISA, and how does it address the pain points your clients face?
We couldn’t have developed at a better time. Currently, as we are all painfully aware, finding employees to man phones at cost margins sustainable to business has become more difficult than ever before. They are calling this the ‘Great Resignation’. Considering our DISA and the AI adoption rate, we are experiencing incredible natural market conditions that lead to us as the obvious alternative.
Our DISA is so efficient compared to a human; it consumes data at a faster rate. However, this is mitigated by better and more customer care, additional campaigns, slowing rates, add-on of on-demand or event-driven campaigns, etc. An example is that we could if a company so desired, prepare a global campaign and call everyone on the planet in a day or a week, but that’s all the data in the world. What do you do then? This is the only problem with AI. It operates beyond humans in multiples.
Q. What are your focus areas?
Our main focus is enterprise-level business. If we take care of enterprise, the call center industry will take care of itself. Nature abhors a vacuum and markets abhor inefficiencies. We can see many applications for our technology, but you will have to wait to see how those play out. Just know that we are the next generation of influential technological causality, learning from our corporate heroes of the last technology shift and how Google, Amazon, Salesforce, Microsoft, Apple, Uber, and many more have integrated technology throughout our lives. In the end, people make up markets and markets decide who goes to the top and who goes home. Our area of focus is the integration and adoption of conversational AI. If a mission is conversationally dependent or conversationally enhanced, we are the conversational authority.
Q. How skilled is the Vocodia team of experts? And how do they bring value to the company?
Considering our place in the food chain I would say very. AI, in terms of application, is emerging in many areas of human interaction. Each AI development team has built the appropriate people necessary to complete the goal they have set out to achieve. Elon Musk and self-driving cars; Uber and their ultimate plans, etc. Behavior patterning, there are so many specialties and many more to be developed still. We have put together a team of the greatest telecom developers, coders, salespeople, and call center owners, and we even have on tap, Ben Gay the III, who wrote The Closers, which is considered by many great salespeople the ultimate master closer. We have bridged a field of experience to develop conversation in a digital format which on many fronts has probably produced already some of the most concentrated focus on the science of conversation. We have been fortunate to attract to our project some of the greatest minds on every front of the business, from administration to coding and even crazy salespeople. How I feel about our team of experts is summed up in this quote: Men of action favor the goddess of luck. We are fortunate.
Brian Podolak | CEO & Co-Founder
Brian Podolak is an experienced call center innovator with a background in electronic engineering and a demonstrated knack for rapidly ramping-up startups. His infectious energy and ambitious vision, alongside the clear attractiveness of the DISA offering, are propelling Vocodia’s disruptive trajectory and setting the table for even bigger things to come.