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An Open Gateway for the Intern...


An Open Gateway for the Internet of Things Has Been Announced By Mozilla

An Open Gateway for the Internet of Things Has Been Announced By Mozilla
The Silicon Review
14 Febuary, 2018

The makers of Firefox, Mozilla have announced an IoT Raspberry Pi gateway; a software that turns a Raspberry Pi into a device for controlling connected devices from the web.

This Gateway, with a host of new features, can be used for controlling smart home devices.

Smart home front-runners like Apple, Google, Amazon, and Samsung have all been working to create their own standard to control all the connected home devices.

The announcement by Mozilla, that anybody can now create an open gateway to control the internet of things and the company’s statement that it is still working on a set of frameworks and open standards, to avoid being left with an internet of things controlled by big tech companies, has spread cheer among many.

An open source home automation control solution built to run on the Raspberry Pi, it is for folks who want to simplify the operation of a house full of connected bulbs, switches, outlets, and sensors. Especially if they want to do it without being locked into one company’s ecosystem. Things Gateway is a Mozilla project, with a focus on Transparency, openness, and respect for user privacy.

The released prototype release was detailed on setting up the Things Gateway on a network and connecting ZigBee and Z-Wave smart plugs.

A remarkable aspect of this gateway is that, you’re in control of the hardware it runs on. Mozilla advises using a Raspberry Pi; however, you can use any compatible board.  All you need is a USB dongle that can communicate with Zigbee or Z-Wave devices and you can run it on a laptop or desktop and even may be on your set-top box. (Fingers crossed!)