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TCS joins hands with Siemens in breaking barriers in IOT technology

TCS joins hands with Siemens in breaking barriers in IOT technology
The Silicon Review
08 June, 2017

TCS has recently announced a new collaboration with the electronics giant Siemens in the IOT technology. According to Milind Lakkad, Executive Vice President and Global Head of Manufacturing at Tata Consultancy Services, though the company has been collaborating with Siemens for the past few years this would enable the customers to make major strides in IoT innovation.  The innovation that will enable customers to benefit from data insights and services based on "MindSphere," a cloud-based, open IoT operating system from Siemens. MindSphere is the open, cloud-based IoT operating system from Siemens that lets you connect your machines and physical infrastructure to the digital world. It lets you harness big data from billions of intelligent devices, enabling you to uncover transformational insights across your entire business.

The partnership focuses on the manufacturing sector initially, as IoT is already reshaping the businesses for its users.  Siemens, together with TCS, will help customers evaluate and utilize data to achieve new insights which could ultimately pave the way for completely new business models," added Steve Bashada, Executive Vice President and General Manager of MindSphere at Siemens. Also this can also promote the company’s interventions in other fields like automation, value chain and the designing as well as production of the engineering products. This  also opens up a new pathway for the MindConnect Nano, the cloud gateway that can be connect production to cloud-based analysis of machine and production data.