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Smart road technology can make...


Smart road technology can make driving safer and cheaper

Smart road technology can make driving safer and cheaper
The Silicon Review
28 June, 2018

Vehicular technology has always aimed to improve the overall driving experience in terms of performance and safety. Whether it is electric cars that can travel over 200 miles or electric powered mini planes, transportation is in for fundamental changes. But what about the roads made of asphalt and concrete? Can technology make roads themselves interactive, or in other words, smarter?

According to a startup called Integrated Roadways, the answer is a definitive yes. The company has developed prefabricated concrete slabs infused with digital technology and fiber optics. As a result, roads paved with these slabs could act as sensors and gather data on traffic patterns and help authorities manage traffic better. Furthermore, this tech can instantly notify emergency services of any accidents and help commuters access real time data about traffic conditions on their smart phones and find alternative routes.

In addition to this, Integrated Roadways also plans to roll out wireless charging to its smart roads, thereby allowing batteries to be charged on the go. Another company called AECOM is reportedly in talks with authorities in Dallas and Denver to test its Smart Powered Lanes, which wirelessly charge a vehicle’s battery while it’s moving.

If fully implemented, such technologies could significantly affect the battery and automobile industry. While bringing down the size and costs of batteries, it has the potential to make electric cars cheaper and eliminate the need for charging. Imagine a scenario where you can have a leisurely drive in the country side in your electric vehicle over long distances without ever bothering about refueling or recharging. While it does sound like a scene from a science fiction movie, it might be closer to reality than you think.