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Uber to Join Hands with Facebo...


Uber to Join Hands with Facebook’s Former Product Director to Head Ops for Their Driver App

Uber to Join Hands with Facebook’s Former Product Director to Head Ops for Their Driver App
The Silicon Review
15 June, 2018

Daniel Danker recently started working with Uber as a Senior Director and Head of driver product. As head of product, Danker will be in charge of planning, forming strategies and implementation. Danker has worked with some of the most established companies of our time. He was with Microsoft from 2000 through 2010 where he worked on various roles. He ended his duty as Director of Development and Operations post which he moved on to working with BBC. He then worked with one of the most popular music identifying apps, Shazam, as a Chief Product Officer for 3 years. Right before Uber brought him in; he was Product Director at Facebook where he was responsible for Facebook Video and Facebook Live.

Uber’s head of product, Manik Gupta, has nothing but praises for Danker and says that “Drivers are the heart of the Uber experience, and Daniel’s passion for our mission and deep product knowledge will ensure we continue to improve and innovate on their behalf”.

Daniel’s addition to the team comes at a good time for Uber since they have just recently unveiled the updated version of their driver app and will need someone to head operations for the same. The new app is designed to make the drivers’ lives easier by giving them access to specific information on the go while ensuring maximum productivity.

One of the main features of this app is to help drivers identify areas where there is a rise in demand resulting in an incentive boost for them.

Uber’s driver Experience Group Manager said, “If you’re in a slow area, we might actually suggest a place to go to instead because it’s much busier. And in this way, you get a little bit more information about what’s happening around you. We get to answer questions like ‘well, what should you be doing next.’ And you know it feels like the app understands your current situation.”