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Electric and Concept cars


Concept cars - Vehicle of prog...


Concept cars - Vehicle of progress or an investment black hole?

Concept cars - Vehicle of progress or an investment black hole?
The Silicon Review
30 January, 2020

Ever since man got comfortable sitting on a steel body with four wheels under it, he has never had a moment where he got comfortable with the existing car. Improving it in not one, but all possible ways became a major human obsession and gave immense satisfaction. As curiosity peaked, questions poured – Four seats or oneseat, high speed or low speed, power steering or no steering wheel at all.

And so did the answers. All concept cars were shown at various exhibitions across the world and the reactions of the public and media were noted down and used as key points for further research and development.

Auburn cabin speedster – considered the first concept car – was built in 1929 and used for publicity, touring the car show circuit. It was destroyed later in a fire at a LosAngeles exhibit.That fire could have been the end of concept cars. But it’s human nature to progress. It’s in our blood.That fire couldn’t destroy the fire burning inside man – a never ending fire for progress.

Traffic collisions are the largest causes of injury-related death worldwide. The number of people who die in road accidents are increasing every year,globally. This doesn’t deter us from using cars or continue working on improving them.

Man is as deep in romance with concept cars as he is with nature or other human beings today. The word concept car has “concept” in it, which stands for an abstract idea. These ideas are so fascinating to us that we can’t really mute them, or ignore them. Would you say no to a vehicle that detects your alcohol level and chooses to self-drive instead of giving you the control – which might make you unable to drive a car ever again. Would you say not to vehicles that not just drives for you, but also cooks, makes phone calls, reminds you the time you have to pick up your kids, entertains you, all at the same time while avoiding accidents to an accuracy of 100 percent?

Mass produced cars are a reflection of us in the mirror. We are looking at the truth – that which is already accepted and tested. But when we learn to look beyond the reflection, behind the mirror, we will see concept cars – that which hasn’t been tested or accepted. Both mass produced cars and concept cars will continue making their presence on roads and car shows. They run parallel to each other. Parallel lines that virtually meet at some point, but never really do.