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Exploring the Best Practices t...


Exploring the Best Practices to Ensure Your Startup’s Success

Best Practices Startup’s Success
The Silicon Review
13 December, 2023

Embarking on a startup journey is both thrilling and filled with challenges. Over 450,000 new businesses open monthly, but only 35% make it to 10 years or more. Common reasons businesses fail include lack of money, excessive overhead costs, and more.

In this guide, we'll break down the do's and don'ts to help your startup thrive. We'll walk you through the essentials, from avoiding money troubles to steering clear of common missteps like overspending on fancy office space. Let's dive into the practical tips and tricks that can make your startup journey smoother and more rewarding.

Best Practices to Ensure Business Success

Let’s first dive into the best practices you must adopt to succeed.

1.   Opting for Different Collaboration Software and Tools

Better internal collaboration boosts customer satisfaction by 41%, increases sales by 27%, and improves product quality by 34%. Collaboration systems keep you organized and help keep track of all tasks in real-time and check progress. They assist employees, enhance transparency, and help your team stay connected. Some examples include:

  • Slack: Allows employees to communicate with one another asynchronously or in real-time through video calls, messaging, and sharing files.
  • Missive: Customers can send emails or messages on Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, and you'll receive them on Missive. It also has collaborative features that allow team members to write and respond to emails together.
  • Zoom: An ideal app for holding video conference calls and webinars
  • Asana: A task management system that you can integrate with third-party applications like Everhour
  • Google Drive: A cloud storage option, ideal for file sharing and storing documents, which you can access from any device.
  • Canva: Lets teams design professional marketing materials together
  • Pandadoc: Lets you customize sales documents and contracts with your customers

You should learn more about these apps as they do not offer a one-size-fits-all solution. Look at your budget, features offered, your requirements, and more before committing.

2.   Understand Your Target Audience and Effective Marketing

An ideal way to determine your target audience is by looking at who already buys your product or service and their age, interests, employment, gender, or location by using customer surveys or engaging on social media. You want them to return for more, so you must research what the public wants and expects from your business.

Determine your business's buyer persona – an overview of the ideal customer drawn from target audience data. It helps your campaign reach the people who resonate most with your product, service, or message.

In order to retain your customers and attract new ones, you need effective marketing. Marketing will help you create a good brand image that separates you from your competitors. You can measure your marketing success by using the following KPIs (key performance indicators):

  • ROI (return on investment): Measuring profit or revenue generated against the cost incurred.
  • Cost per lead: The money you spend to acquire a lead
  • Conversion rate: The leads who took the desired action, such as signing up or filling out a form, show prospects' conversion into customers
  • Customer lifetime value: To predict the net profit you can generate from a customer through the entire relationship
  • Website traffic: Tracking viewers who access your website gives insight into engagement and visibility

3.   Risk Management

Effective risk management helps you identify potential threats, their impact, and steps to minimize the risk. It reduces cost, increases efficiency, and helps businesses succeed. You can identify risks by conducting a SWOT analysis (strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) or formal risk assessment process. Risk management strategies include:

  • Avoidance: You avoid or withdraw from activities with high-risk levels, such as not investing in products that can lead to a backlash.
  • Transfer: You shift risk to other parties, i.e., through outsourcing or insurance.
  • Acceptance: You acknowledge and choose to live with the risk, such as accepting returned items to maintain a strong customer service reputation.
  • Mitigation: You reduce the impact or likelihood of risk, such as buying new equipment or investing in cybersecurity.
  • Contingency planning: You prepare and respond to risks that may occur, such as natural disasters or an emergency.

Startup Challenges and Mistakes

Understanding the factors that cause your business to fail is a must before you can succeed. Here are some costly mistakes you should avoid when starting your business.

1.   Cash Flow Problems

A cash flow problem occurs when cash flowing out of your business outweighs the money coming in; a lack of liquidity inhibits your business's ability to repay loans, pay bills, or pay suppliers. 82% of companies fail because of poor cash flow management. Slow cash flow is typical initially, but if it lasts past the launch period, your business will struggle or fail unless corrected. It can result because of

  • Ineffective cash flow management
  • Poor sales
  • Slow payments by customers
  • No cash reserves
  • Extensive debt

You must consider conducting market-testing for your product before launch to determine if a customer base is willing to pay for it, then scale up your operations as required. Weak marketing, because of a lack of capital for funding, can also cause cash flow problems.

2.   Excessive Overheads Costs

Overhead costs are not tied to the sale of your service or product but include utility bills, accounting and legal expenses, equipment leases, rent, insurance, and travel. Don't overspend on office space or infrastructure to impress clients or angel investors.

You should direct your cash into marketing and money for future growth. Focus on practicality and functionality by working from home or in co-working spaces. Instead of hiring too many employees, hire contractors on an as-needed basis. Negotiate with suppliers and vendors to get better pricing on raw materials and purchase equipment or furniture secondhand.

3.   "Me Too" Product or Service, Partnering with Wrong Investors, and The Wrong Location

Your startup can fail if it lacks a unique selling point. It has to be better than your competition or as good but cheaper. Otherwise, you'll fall into a "me too" problem, where you just stock or produce certain goods because your competitors do so.

You often need money from other sources to launch your business, but you'll risk losing control if the investor has a different vision and exerts their influence in unhelpful ways. To avoid overhead costs, you might launch your business in a location with low utility costs and rent, but the rates can be down because of a lack of incentive from the local government or poor infrastructure; instead, research the location to ensure there is a market for your product.


In the dynamic landscape of entrepreneurship, recognizing potential pitfalls and adopting effective strategies is crucial. As you navigate the complexities of your startup, remember that robust collaboration tools, a profound understanding of your audience, targeted marketing, and vigilant risk management can be transformative. Success is about avoiding mistakes and embracing practices that propel your startup toward growth, resilience, and lasting impact.